Avinu Malkenu 

Elul 27

Our Father our King, sound the Shofar for the resurrection from the dead and the heralding of Yeshua's return.


The shofar is an extension of one’s voice, like when Yeshua called forth Lazarus from the dead. In this section of the Avinu Malkenu, Our Father Our King, we ask G-d himself to sound the shofar, to give the command, as He did in Genesis 1, to call into existence things that are not.


At Sukkat Shalom, it is tradition now to ask G-d every Rosh HaShanah for a word for the year. What in your life needs resurrection power? A relationship? An area of your walk with Him? A loved one’s health? Maybe even your own health, both physical and emotional? Perhaps you have no agenda as you ask Him for a word. You just need Him, more of Him, more of His life in you.


In the daily Amidah prayer, we ask for G-d to sound the great shofar for the ingathering of His people. Half the Jewish world population is in exile and though relatively comfortable there, imagine the life-giving power Israel will have when all her children are home and thriving. As we pray for personal revival through the meaning of the shofar, let us not forget to also pray for a Jewish and Israeli revival in their return to the land and to her Messiah.


Abba, let all the places in us which are under the shadow of death and dying shine with the command of your voice, with the light of all men, even Yeshua himself. Command at this time the blessing you have appointed for us and for all Israel in this new year that begins. Restore Israel that it would be life from the dead to the whole world. Amen.