
Our mission is to disciple Jews and Gentiles in Messianic Judaism

in order to preserve Jewish identity in the body of Messiah


Our vision is to see a community of Jewish and Gentile believers

experiencing Yeshua, Torah and revelation for the end times.

Vision establishes an atmosphere of:

Identity: I know what we are about

Purpose: What I do matters

Unity: I trust people, we are likeminded

Faith: I know this is from God and it will last

Core Values

The following are the guiding principles of Sukkat Shalom:

We relate to all as sons and daughters

We worship God in his manifest presence

We minister healing and freedom

We hear God and minister prophetically

We teach Spirit-revealed biblical truth for maturity

We give generously to God, His people and His kingdom

We develop everyone's identity, destiny and calling

We influence across generations

We impact people globally, to the Jew first